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       Running Expert Help in DESQview.

       To run EH with a program inside of a DESQview window,
       use the following parameters.

       1. You must use a batch file to load both EH and the program.

          Example of running brief:

             Batch File Name: EH_PROG.BAT


                    EH -C
                    %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9

       Note: The -C Parameter will force Expert Help to load into
       Conventional Memory. You can also use any other valid command line
       parameter in the EH command line string.

       2. Set the Add/Change a program to the following Parameters:
       Memory size: maximum amount available.

       Program   : EH_PROG.BAT
       Parameters: b <FileName1>, <FileName1>, etc.
       Directory : C:\EH

           Writes directly to the screen: Y
           Displays graphics Information: N
           Virtualizes text/graphics    : T
           Uses serial ports            : N
           Requires floppy diskette     : N

       Advance Options:
           System memory                : 0
           Maximum Program Memory Size  :   (Leave Blank)
           Script Buffer Size           : 1000
           Maximum Expanded Memory Size :   (Leave Blank)
           Text pages                   : 1
           Graphics                     : 0
           Initial Mode                 :   (Leave Blank)
           Interrupts                   : 00 to FF

       Window Position
           Maximum Height               : 25
           Maximum Width                : 80

           Starting Height              : 25
           Starting Width               : 80

           Starting Row                 : 0
           Starting Column              : 0

       Shared Program
           Pathname                     :   (Leave Blank)
           Data                         :   (Leave Blank)

       Close on Exit                    : N
       Uses its own colors              : Y
       Allow Close Window Command       : Y
       Runs in background               :   (Leave Blank)
       Uses math Co-processor           : Y
       Keyboard Conflict                : F
       Share CPU when in foreground     : N
       Share EGA when foreground/zoomed : Y
       Can be swapped out               :   (Leave Blank)
       Protection Level                 : 0

         When Running Expert Help in "RESIDENT MODE BY ITSELF", the
         memory size should be set to 128k.

         Before you close a window that has Expert Help loaded as
         "RESIDENT MODE BY ITSELF" you must first unload EH from the
         F1 - OPTIONS menu. This is so Expert Help can remove its
         signature from memory. (The signature is used to determine
         if Expert Help is already loaded into memory in a given DOS

    Press the Gray + key to proceed to the next topic (long entry).


See Also: Welcome to Expert Help What's in the Expert Help Package System Requirements Expert Help Engine - Features and Technical Specifications Hypertext Databases - Technical Specifications Installing Expert Help A Quick Start The Text Display Window Summary of the Pull Down Menus Using a Hypertext Database The Expand Menu Related Topics How to Order Expert Help
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